Hazbin Hotel Episode 6 Release Date – Hazbin Hotel is an American adult animated musical comedy television series created by Vivienne “VivziePop” Medrano. The series revolves around Charlie Morningstar, princess of Hell, as she searches for a way to “rehabilitate” demons and allow them to enter heaven. She opens a rehabilitation hotel that offers demons a chance to redeem themselves and become better people.
The pilot episode, which was released on YouTube on October 28, 2019, was made entirely by independent animators and was largely funded by Medrano’s Patreon supporters. The first season of the series will be produced by the independent entertainment company A24 and the animation studio Bento Box Entertainment, in collaboration with Amazon MGM Studios.
Hazbin Hotel Episode 6 Release Date
The highly anticipated Hazbin Hotel Episode 6, titled “Welcome to Heaven”, is all set to release on January 25, 2024, on Prime Video. Fans worldwide are eagerly waiting to witness the next chapter of this dark-comedy animated series.
The episode will be available for streaming at different times, depending on your time zone. For viewers in the Pacific Time Zone, it will be released precisely at 12:00 a.m., while those in the Eastern Time Zone can catch it at 3:00 a.m. GMT viewers can tune in at 8:00 a.m., while those in the Central European Time Zone can catch it at 9:00 a.m.
For Indian Standard Time, the episode will be released at 1:30 p.m., while Japanese Standard Time viewers can watch it at 5:00 p.m. Finally, for viewers in the Australian Eastern Daylight Time Zone, the episode will release at 7:00 p.m.
Hazbin Hotel Episode 6 Spoiler
Hazbin Hotel Cast & Character
- Erika Henningsen as Princess Charlie Morningstar
- Stephanie Beatriz as Vagatha “Vaggie”
- Blake Roman as Anthony “Angel Dust” and The Egg Boiz
- Amir Talai as Alastor the “Radio Demon” and Tom Trench
- Kimiko Glenn as Niffty
- Keith David as Husk
- Alex Brightman as Sir Pentious and AdamRecurring
- Jeremy Jordan as Lucifer Morningstar
- Krystina Alabado as Cherri Bomb
- Brandon Rogers as Katie Killjoy
- Leslie Kritzer as Rosie
- Sarah Stiles as Mimzy
- The “Vs”
- Christian Borle as Vox
- Lilli Cooper as Velvette
- Joel Perez as Valentino
- Daphne Rubin-Vega as Carmilla Carmine
- Shoba Narayan as Emily
- Jessica Vosk as Lute
- Darren Criss as Saint Peter
- Patina Miller as Sera
- James Monroe Iglehart as Zestial
- Don Darryl Rivera as Travis
Hazbin Hotel Trailer
Where To Watch Hazbin Hotel?
The first episode premiered on YouTube on January 18, 2024. The first season premiered on Amazon Prime Video on 18 January 2024. Starting on February 2, 2024, you will be able to watch the much-anticipated Episode 6 of Hazbin Hotel, titled “Welcome to Heaven”, on Prime Video.
If you haven’t seen the previous episodes yet, don’t worry – you can catch up on the series by watching them on Prime Video, as well as on YouTube where the pilot episode was first released. Enjoy the thrilling world of Hazbin Hotel and its colorful cast of characters!
Release Date | 2 February 2024 |
Where To Watch? | Prime Videos |
An R-rated, animated musical comedy set in Hell. Yes, you read that right!! Check in to the #HazbinHotel January 19.pic.twitter.com/EwwgPSZ0rT
— Hazbin Hotel (@HazbinHotel) December 13, 2023