Griselda Blanco is a recently released American biographical crime drama streaming television miniseries. This series was directed by Andrés Baiz and produced by Eric Newman and Sofía Vergara.
This series was released on January 25, 2024, on Netflix. There are a total of six episodes of this series. This series was written by Doug Miro and Ingrid Escajeda. The casting stars of this series are Vergara and Griselda Blanco, a notorious Colombian drug lord.
Sofia Vergara stars as Griselda Blanco in a new limited series inspired by the Colombian businesswoman who created one of the most profitable cartels in history, which led to her being known as the “Godmother” — FIRST LOOK:
— Netflix (@netflix) January 19, 2022
Griselda Blanco Netflix Release Date
The American biographical crime drama streaming television miniseries Griselda Blanco premiered on Netflix on January 25, 2024. The series has 6 episodes and is directed by Andrés Báez and produced by Eric Newman and Sofia Vergara.
Griselda Blanco Netflix Release Date: Details
Name Of Series | Griselda Blanco |
Release date | January 25, 2024 |
Movie run time | 41 minutes |
OTT Platform | Netflix |
Episode No | 6 |
Directed By | Andrés Baiz |
Written by | Doug Miro and Ingrid Escajeda |
Produced by | Eric Newman and Sofía Vergara |
Original Language | English |
Cinematography | Will Updated |
Edited by | Will Update |
Budget | Will Update |
Give them a little taste. Witness the rise of Griselda Blanco. Now streaming.
— Netflix (@netflix) January 26, 2024
Griselda Blanco Cast and Crew
Griselda (miniseries) was directed by Andrés Baiz and produced by Eric Newman and Sofía Vergara. The writers of this series are Doug Miro and Ingrid Escajeda.
- Sofía Vergara as Griselda Blanco
- Alberto Guerra as Darío Sepúlveda
- Juliana Aidén Martinez as June Hawkins
- Vanessa Ferlito as Carmen
- Christian Tappan as Arturo Mesa
- Martin Rodriguez as Jorge “Rivi” Ayala-Rivera
- Alberto Ammann as Alberto Bravo
- Karol G as Carla
- Gabriel Sloyer as Raul Diaz
- José Zúñiga as Amilcar
- Diego Trujillo as German Panesso
- Julieth Restrepo as Marta Ochoa
- Maximiliano Hernández as Papo Mejia
- Paulina Dávila as Carmen Gutiérrez
- Camilo Jiménez Varón as Rafa Salazar
- Gabriel Sloyer as Raul Diaz
- José Zúñiga as Amilcar
- Diego Trujillo as German Panesso
Griselda Blanco Trailer, Where to Watch?
The trailer of this series came 1 month ago, this series has been released on Netflix.
Griselda Blanco Budget
No information has been found about the making budget of this series.
How many episodes of Griselda Blanco are there?
Griselda Blanco was released on Netflix on January 25, 2024, with a total of six episodes.
Episode No. | Episode Name |
Episode 1 | Lady Comes to Town |
Episode 2 | Rich White People |
Episode 3 | Mutiny |
Episode 4 | Middle Management |
Episode 5 | Paradise Lost |
Episode 6 | Adios, Miami |
Is There a Griselda Episode 7 Release Date and Time or Part 2?
This series only has six episodes and there will not be a 7th episode. There will be no part 2 of this series because this series ended in six episodes.
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