On Wednesday Netflix recently released the trailer for its upcoming documentary, American Nightmare. The documentary will tell the story of the duo Dennis Haskins and Aaron Quinn, who alleged in 2015 that their home was invaded and that they were kidnapped by invaders.
The official logline for American Nightmare reads, “Following a home invasion and kidnapping, a young couple’s description of events is too far-fetched for the police to believe.” This is the recent upcoming documentary The Tinder Swindler d this series was made by filmmakers Felicity Morris and Bernadette Higgins.
American Nightmare OTT Release Date
The Netflix series American Nightmare is set to release on January 17, 2024. This series was produced by Bernadette Higgins & Felicity Morris and this series also director by Bernadette Higgins & Felicity Morris
American Nightmare Cast
This series’ casting stars are Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, and Charles Melton.
After their nightmare, it took three months and an accidental discovery for the couple to get a modicum of justice.
“Those months in between were unsustainable and we weren’t able to go back to work,” Aaron tells PEOPLE. “Partly because of trauma and partly because they wouldn’t let us. Who wants to hire a hoaxer? So that’s a big challenge in the digital age. You can’t move towns and get away from it. Anyone can just search you and then decide ‘I don’t want to work with this person,’ or ‘I don’t want to hire this person.'”
“Like many victims, or many people have gone through tragedy, you don’t get all the answers,” says Aaron. “And that can be a sticking point to recovery. So for us, we don’t rely on finding those answers, but what we have to do is move forward in the unknown and focus on things that matter the most to us, like our family, our kids, our work. Those are sustainable things. And having the answers of why they targeted us doesn’t change what we do as far as moving forward.”
“I hope people come away from after they see the film, that this isn’t a bizarre kidnapping,” adds Aaron, who was interrogated for 18 hours by police. “What’s quite bizarre is just the absolute lack of any sort of investigation. All the evidence was there to catch Muller and the other perpetrators within the first 24 hours, but the police put their heads in the sand and said there was no sky. So that is the scary part, is that the confirmation bias and tunnel vision will just lead them to do nothing.”
“This case didn’t require Sherlock Holmes,” Aaron adds. “This required basic police work.”
American Nightmare Trailer
American Nightmare Budget
American Nightmare budget details are not mentioned yet.
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