Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 Release Date – Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese manga series written by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou. Set during the time of Toriyama’s original Dragon Ball manga, it follows the adventures of Son Goku and his friends during the ten-year time skip after Majin Buu’s defeat. It began serialization in Shueisha’s monthly Shonen manga magazine V Jump in June 2015. The manga is published simultaneously in English by Viz Media and by Shueisha on its Manga Plus platform.
An anime television series named Dragon Ball Super produced by Toei Animation aired in Japan from July 2015 to March 2018. A sequel film, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, premiered in December 2018 and became the highest-grossing anime film in the franchise. A second film titled Super Hero, was released on 11 June 2022.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 Release Date
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 will be released on Friday 19 January 2024 its spoilers and raw scans have already arrived online. As revealed through the manga chapter preview, the next chapter will show Carmine attempting to revive the Red Ribbon Army. However, other developments will also occur in this chapter.
The previous chapter saw the end of the superhero saga. Therefore, fans were able to see Beast Gohan defeat Cell Max with the help of Orange Piccolo and other allies. Meanwhile, Vegeta won his fight against Goku, allowing Whis to finally notice Bulma’s attempt at communication. However, with Cell Max defeated, Bulma decided not to bother him.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 Spoiler And Raw Scans
As seen near the end of the previous chapter, Carmine managed to escape destruction during the Cell Max incident. Surviving, he decided to return to the headquarters of Red Pharmaceuticals.
After that, the Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 preview revealed that Carmine wanted to revive the Red Ribbon Army after the recent incident. However, with Demon King Piccolo and Son Gohan stopping the organization in their previous effort, Carmine wanted to eliminate them first.
At that moment, Carmine’s car got stuck in a traffic jam caused by a bank robbery. Fortunately, the bank robbery could not be carried out as Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 arrived at the scene in time.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 spoilers revealed how Carmine was impressed by the strength shown by the two superheroes. He therefore invited Goten and Trunks to a pizza, talking to them about the possibility of a partnership since he wanted to defeat a certain enemy. While Goten and Trunks were not informed about the enemy, they agreed to join Carmine and headed to the enemy’s location in their car.
Elsewhere, Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 spoilers saw Vegeta and Broly having a practice fight. As predicted, Vegeta overpowered Broly when both Saiyans were in their base forms. However, Broly refused to back down and punched Vegeta in the forehead. While anyone would be blown away by the blow, Vegeta simply bled from his forehead and turned into a Super Saiyan to defend himself.
After that, Vegeta tried to hide to force Broly to detect him using his ki. Surprisingly, Broly quickly learned to detect ki. However, when it came to fighting, he found it difficult to match Vegeta. Thus, after the fight, Broly tried to get advice from Broly and Vegeta, however, they were not much help for the same. With that, Goku asked the two to get some rest.
Cheelai, who was watching the training, was surprised by how calm Goku and Vegeta were, even though Black Frieza could attack them at any moment.
Elsewhere, Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 spoilers saw Carmine attacking Gohan at his house. This left Gohan furious as he turned into his Beast form and scared Carmine. The ki in this form alarmed Goku and Vegeta, as they previously failed to detect it during the Cell Max incident. Goku was surprised that it was Gohan’s energy, so he returned to Earth to meet his son and learn what had happened. It had been quite some time since Goku visited Earth.
DBS CH101 Spoilers (1).
Superheroes are having Pizza with Carmine pic.twitter.com/rsEX2uawhF
— DBHype (@DbsHype1) January 16, 2024
DBS CH101 Spoilers (2).
Vegeta vs Broly pic.twitter.com/ZEUuhGdsJB
— DBHype (@DbsHype1) January 16, 2024
DBS CH101 Spoilers (3).
Vegeta goes Super Saiyan pic.twitter.com/gd6aAk1XlY
— DBHype (@DbsHype1) January 16, 2024
DBS CH101 Spoilers (4).
End of Spar pic.twitter.com/KkvNNOsDTM
— DBHype (@DbsHype1) January 16, 2024
DBS CH101 Spoilers (Final).
Carmine attacks Gohan at his house, Gohan goes Beast and scares them away, Gohan scolds Goten Trunks. Goku senses Gohan’s Ki and arrives on Earth! pic.twitter.com/k5HZfNHn40
— DBHype (@DbsHype1) January 16, 2024
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