“Bharathanatyam” is a dark comedy Telugu movie directed by K V R Mahendra. The film features Surya Teja Aelay and Meenakshi Goswami in the lead roles, supported by a cast including Harsha Chemudu, Harshavardhan, Ajay Gosh, Mastali, Temper Vamshi, Gangavva, Sivannarayana, Santhosh Balakrishna, Satthanna, Krishna Alluri, Naga Mahesh, Tarzon, Manik Reddy, and many others. The movie’s music is composed by Vivek Sagar, while the cinematography is done by Venkat R Shakamuri, and it is edited by Raviteja Girijala. Produced by Payal Saraf under the Pr Films banner, the film is a must-watch for those who love dark comedies in Telugu cinema. st-watch for those who love dark comedies in Telugu cinema.
Bharathanatyam Movie Cast & Crew
1. Harsha Chemudu (Actor, Producer, Director)
2. Ajay Ghosh(III) (Actor, Writer)
3. Harshavardhan (Actor, Writer, Director)
4. Yennengee (Actor, Writer)
5. Gangavva (Actress)
6. Surya Teja Aelay (Actor and Writer)
7. Naga Mahesh (Actor)
8. Temper Vamsi (Actor)
9. Sivannarayana (Actor)
10. Manik Reddy (Actor)
11. Salim Pheku ( Actor)
12. Meenakshi Goswami(III) (Actor)
13. Tarzon (Actor)
14. Krishna Alluri (Actor)
15. Satthanna (Actor)
16. Santosh Balakrishna (Actor)
Bharathanatyam Movie Budget
We do not have any information available about the Bharathanatyam Movie Budget. And there is no information available about Bharathanatyam Budget on the web. According to us the budget of Bharathanatyam movie can be 15 crores. We also want to know about the Bharathanatyam Movie Budget. Suppose we get any more information about this. so we will update you.
Bharathanatyam Movie Release Date
Bharathanatyam Movie will be released on 4 April 2024. Bharatanatyam is a Telugu dark comedy movie directed by K V R Mahendra. The movie stars Surya Teja Aelay and Meenakshi Goswami in the lead roles, while a supporting cast of talented actors also features in the film. The music for the movie was composed by Vivek Sagar, Venkat R Shakamuri did the cinematography and Raviteja Girijala edited the movie. It has been produced by Payal Saraf under the PR Films banner.
Bharathanatyam Movie Story
The movie describes the story of Raju Sundaram, an assistant director who finds himself caught up in the world of crime. Despite his danger, he uses his intelligence to outsmart the criminals and escape alive. The notes also comment on cinema being a beautiful form of deception.
Bharathanatyam Trailer
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