Author: Ompal Singh

“Bharathanatyam” is a dark comedy Telugu movie directed by K V R Mahendra. The film features Surya Teja Aelay and Meenakshi Goswami in the lead roles, supported by a cast including Harsha Chemudu, Harshavardhan, Ajay Gosh, Mastali, Temper Vamshi, Gangavva, Sivannarayana, Santhosh Balakrishna, Satthanna, Krishna Alluri, Naga Mahesh, Tarzon, Manik Reddy, and many others. The movie’s music is composed by Vivek Sagar, while the cinematography is done by Venkat R Shakamuri, and it is edited by Raviteja Girijala. Produced by Payal Saraf under the Pr Films banner, the film is a must-watch for those who love dark comedies in Telugu…

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Kalvan is a forthcoming Indian film directed by PV Shankar. The movie features GV Prakash Kumar, Dheen, and Ivana in leading roles. It is slated to release in theaters on April 4th. The upcoming Tamil film Kalvan, starring GV Prakash Kumar in the lead role, is all set to hit the theatres on April 4. Directed by cinematographer PV Shankar, the adventure drama revolves around two thieves who attempt to steal something from a forest home to a dangerous herd of elephants. The film’s title, Kalvan, translates to ‘thieves’ and features Dheena, Bharathiraja, and Ivana in prominent roles. Kalvan Movie…

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The OTT release date for the movie “Lambasingi” has been announced. The movie stars Divi Naxalite, who gained fame through the reality show Bigg Boss. This movie has been streamed on Disney Plus Hotstar OTT on April 2. The movie Lambasingi, starring Divi and Bharat Raj, which was released on 15, March this year, will be coming to Disney Plus Hotstar within the next 20 days. The film is set against the backdrop of Naxalism and has been received well by the audience as a unique love story. Fans of the movie can now look forward to enjoying it on…

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