695 Movie Release Date – Six Nine Five (695) is an upcoming Hindi movie that promises to be an exciting experience for moviegoers. Directed by the talented Yogesh Bhardwaj, the movie features an impressive cast of renowned actors including Govind Namdeo, Arun Govil, Mukesh Tiwari, and Garima Agarwal in lead roles.
The movie also boasts other popular actors such as Manoj Joshi, Akhilendra Mishra, Ashok Samarth, Dheeraj Singh, and Gajendra Chauhaan, who are sure to deliver stellar performances. With such an impressive cast and crew, Six Nine Five (695) is a movie to look out for in the coming months.
695 Movie Release Date
Sources suggest that the highly anticipated Six Nine Five movie is expected to hit the theaters on January 19, 2024. However, the official release date is yet to be confirmed. We are actively gathering more information on this topic and will keep updating this article with the latest developments.
695 Movie Trailer
695 Movie Cast & Character
Name | Character |
Govind Namdeo | To Be Updated |
Arun Govil | To Be Updated |
Mukesh Tiwari | To Be Updated |
Garima Agarwal | To Be Updated |
Manoj Joshi | To Be Updated |
Akhilendra Mishra | To Be Updated |
Ashok Samarth | To Be Updated |
Dheeraj Singh | To Be Updated |
Gajendra Chauhaan | To Be Updated |
695 Movie Budget
At the moment, we don’t have any concrete information about the budget for the movie 695 that we can share with you. However, we keep a close eye on any updates and developments related to this topic, and as soon as we come across anything noteworthy, we make sure to update this article with the latest information available to us. 695 Movie Release Date 695 Movie Release Date 695 Movie Release Date 695 Movie Release Date
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