The Family Movie Budget – The Family is a gripping black comedy crime movie that was co-written and directed by the renowned filmmaker Luc Besson. With a star-studded cast comprising Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tommy Lee Jones, Dianna Agron, and John D’Leo, the movie tells the story of a Mafia family that enters the witness protection program in a desperate bid to start a new life.
Based on the acclaimed French novel Malavita by Tonino Benacquista, the movie is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of suspense, drama, and humor that will keep you at the edge of your seat till the very end. The Family Movie Budget The Family Movie Budget The Family Movie Budget
The Family Movie Budget
As per certain sources, the estimated budget of ‘The Family’ is around USD 30 Million. However, these figures are yet to be officially confirmed. We will continue to gather more information on this topic and keep updating this article accordingly.
The Family Movie Release Date
The initial trailer of The Family was released on June 4, 2013. For France, the first trailer for Malavita was released in mid-July 2013. Several TV spots were released in August to promote the film.
The movie was initially set to be released by Relativity Media on October 18, 2013, which was then changed to September 20, 2013. However, the film was eventually pushed up and released earlier on September 13, 2013.
10 September 2013 | New York City |
13 September 2013 | United States |
20 September 2013 | India |
23 October 2013 | France |
The Family Movie Cast & Character
- Robert De Niro as Fred Blake / Giovanni Manzoni, the father.
- Michelle Pfeiffer as Maggie Blake / Maggie Manzoni, the mother.
- Dianna Agron as Belle Blake / Belle Manzoni, the daughter.
- John D’Leo as Warren Blake / Warren Manzoni, the son.
- Tommy Lee Jones as Robert Stansfield, the FBI agent.
- Jimmy Palumbo as Di Cicco, an FBI agent
- Domenick Lombardozzi as Caputo, an FBI agent
- Stan Carp as Don Luchese, a mafia boss
- Vincent Pastore as Willy “Fat Willy”, a mafia Capo
- Jonas Bloquet as Andre
- Jon Freda as Rocco
- Michael J. Panichelli Jr. as Billy “The Bug”
- Paul Borghese as Albert
- Anthony Desio as Bernie
- Ted Arcidi as Tommy
- David Belle as Mezzo
- Oisin Stack as Henri
- Victoire Du Bois as Pink Ribbon Girl
- Come Levin as J.P.
The Family Movie Trailer
The Family Movie Box Office Collection
Verdict (Hit Or Flop) | Hit |
Budget | USD 30 Million |
Total Collection | $78.4 Million USD |
Merry Christmas to all from the #TheFamily. They know exactly who has been naughty or nice.
— The Family (@TheFamilyMovie) December 26, 2013
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